Committed to developing human-centered spaces in tech

I'm a software engineer with a passion for equity in tech. Tayloring user-first experiences is essential to my work, and I am in constant pursuit of how this can be achieved at any scale, market, or industry. My experience co-founding a startup has given me to resolve to create solutions to large problems, even if it means developing a product from the ground floor. I have a passion for community and am always seeking ways to gain and share knowledge with those around me. I am resourceful, collaborative, meticulous, and I'd love to collaborate with you!

Recent Work

Armando's Catering

Website commissioned for Armando's Catering in order to promote their event catering and food delivery services in Central California.

Sidewalk Sidekick

Social enterprise tech startup I co-founded and pitched at GiveBackHack Columbus 2022 where the idea was awarded starter funding. In active development with an app-store release slated for 2024.

Emily Dickinson in Space

Web application that pulls Emily Dickinson poems over images of space from Unsplash's API. Intended as a teaching tool for secondary ELA classes.

Columbus Code & Coffee

Biweekly meetup I co-founded for code and tech enthusiasts in central Ohio as part of a nationwide grassroots community. 600+ members strong and has partnered with groups such as GiveBackHack and Google Developer Groups to promote community events that are inclusive, enriching, and engaging.

My services

In order to build you a quality website or application that matches your vision, my work follows the listed procedure in order to deliver a successful product:

  1. Consultation: To begin, we'll start off will a simple conversation and we'll explore what this project is about!
  2. Proposal: A project proposal will be drafted, including visual preview, which will help us to discern a plan of action to pursue.
  3. Creation: We'll be in constant communication where I update you on the project status throughout development.
  4. Launch & Support: The product is ready for launch with ongoing support to ensure utmost quality.

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